

Our Story

A convivial group of Sacramento musicians on a Volga River cruise in 1996 agreed to get together after returning home to play old favorites…and that was how the Capitol Pops Concert Band began. The first rehearsal in Foothill High School and the first performance in the annual Carmichael Park Band Festival were in 1997. During the next twenty-six years, the band performed for many community events in the Sacramento region. By the time the covid pandemic silenced live music, the Capitol Pops had carved its niche in this lively music scene.

The Capitol Pops attracts musicians from all backgrounds, including talented younger adults. We realize the importance of encouraging and supporting the next generation. A robust yearly scholarship program has been established to award talented students funds for further training. To provide that, we routinely seek support from the business community, charitable sources, generous audiences and individuals. If you would like to help, there is more information on this website.

Our Executive Board

A community band is a musical ensemble composed of amateur and professional musicians who come together to perform music for the enjoyment of themselves and the community. This type of ensemble requires a great deal of collaboration and coordination between its members to be successful. As such, it is impossible for a community band to operate under the performance of just one person.

And like the band, unable to perform without the help of many, the execute board of the band works together to provide leadership, direction, and support to the band as a whole. The executive board is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the band and making decisions that will impact its future. Some specific responsibilities of the executive board include:

If you have a question for the board, please email us at board.members@capitolpops.org.

Director - Susan Hamre

Assistant Director - John Lillie

Board Members

Mike Tallent

Board Chair - Clarinet

email: chair@capitolpops.org

Derek Evans

Board Vice-Chair - Clarinet


Carol Goodin

Secretary - Euphonium

email: carol.goodin@capitolpops.org

Julie Taggart

Treasurer - Trumpet

email: treasurer@capitolpops.org

Amanda Schmidt

At Large Board Member - Trumpet

email: amanda.schmidt@capitolpops.org

Casey Reynolds

At Large Board Member - Trumpet

email: casey.reynolds@capitolpops.org

Richard Bidlake

At Large Board Member - Clarinet

email: richard.bidlake@capitolpops.org

John Lillie

At Large Board Member - Percussion

email: john.lillie@capitolpops.org